Exercise 課後練習題
1. Anne uses Photoshop to _____________ most of her photos.
2. The lights help the photos in the museum to appear more ____________.
3. Lance, you should make a _______________ apology to Tim for what you said to him earlier.
4. Brandon always _______________ Facebook posts; he posts something about five times an hour.
5. Brad seems ______________ for friendship; he just posted on Facebook asking who wants to hang out with him right now.
6. Mrs. Hung wants her company to grow ______________ through word of mouth from satisfied customers rather than from advertising.
7. Kayla purposely takes some of her photos not ______________ to try to make them more creative.
8. This laundry detergent is ______________ more effective in getting out stains than all of our competitors’ products.
9. Please don’t ______________ the remote control. I’m watching this program!
10. Fiona was ______________ the restaurant’s ugly sign.
1. enhance
2. striking
3. sincere
4. overdoes
5. desperate
6. organically
7. in focus
8. proven to be
9. play around with
10. turned off by
Comprehension Questions 閱讀理解
1. According to this article, many Instagram users won’t really like a person who
a. likes too many photos.
b. doesn’t follow back.
c. leaves many sincere comments.
d. has a common look to his or her photos.
2. What’s wrong with using too many hashtags on one photo?
a. It might make you too popular.
b. It makes you appear desperate.
c. It’s against IG rules.
d. It’s not organic.
1. 根據文章內容,以下何者並不是許多的IG使用者所喜歡的人?
a. 喜歡太多照片的人。
b. 不回按粉絲的人。
c. 留下許多誠心誠懇的評論的人。
d. 他/她所有照片都很相似的人。
2. 同一張照片中使用太多的(#)搜尋符號有何不妥?
a. 可能會讓你太過受人歡迎。
b. 會讓你感覺太過刻意。
c. 違反IG規定。
d. 很不自然。