Q: What’s a better choice, doing no exercise and eating healthy, or doing lots of exercise and eating unhealthily?
-Amos Brown
A: I have been a nutritionist for 21 years and I’ve heard this question many times before.
答: 我當營養學家21年,曾聽過這問題很多次。
The truth of the matter is that this question gives the illusion of choice; neither option is a viable method for a healthy lifestyle. The only way to be healthy is to eat healthful foods AND do exercise regularly.
Having said that, if I had to choose one or the other, I would say that healthy eating is more important. The food that one consumes provides the vital nutrition, vitamins, protein, energy, and so forth that one needs to survive. There really is truth to the saying, “You are what you eat.”
Even if you never do any sports or work out, most people still walk and move around throughout the day, so your body is still getting an amount of exercise, whether you realize it or not. It is highly unlikely that a normally functioning person could just sit on the couch and not move all day, every day.
Consider this example: it takes about 5 km of jogging to burn off the fat from one chocolate bar. So if you ate unhealthful food all the time, imagine how much exercise you’d have to do to make up for it! Wouldn’t it be easier to just eat healthier food in the first place?
Again, this is not to suggest that you should neglect exercise. Eating healthy and doing some exercise is always the best choice.
-Amanda Symington
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