Unlike dogs, cats don’t always seem to be so loyal to their owners. They don’t really learn tricks or follow instructions, and they only seem to do something when they feel like it. At times it may even seem like humans are the pets and cats are the owners.
Still, there are many stories out there of cats saving their owner’s life. For example, in 2014 in California, a cat named Tara saved her owners’ four-year-old son from a dog attack by attacking the dog and chasing it away.
In 2006, Jack, a cat in New Jersey, chased a black bear up a tree when it tried to come near his owners’ house. What’s funny is that Jack didn’t even have claws! In yet another story of feline heroism, a cat in Chicago named Baby saved her two owners, one of who was pregnant, by waking them up when a fire started in their home. So maybe your cat loves you more than you think and just doesn’t like to show it!
2006年,有隻熊靠近貓咪Jack的主人在紐澤西的家,Jack將熊追趕到樹上去。有趣的是Jack甚至沒有爪子!再講另一則貓科動物的英雄事蹟,一隻來自芝加哥的貓咪Baby在家裡失火時吵醒牠的兩位主人,而救了他們,其中一位主人還懷有身孕。因此,也許你的貓咪比你想的愛你,只是不喜歡展現出來罷了! Vocabulary 好字精選 |