Smartphones have added a lot of convenience to our lives, but how much usage is too much? Smartphone addiction can have some serious negative effects. It is bad for relationships and bad for your health. The following are signs that you are a smartphone addict.
智慧型手機對我們 的生活加入許多便利性,但使用多少才會太多?智慧型手機上癮症可能有一些嚴重的負面影響。這可對你的感情關係不好,對健康也不好。以下徵兆顯示你是智慧型手機上癮症患者。
1. You take your phone to the toilet with you.
2. Looking at your smartphone is the first thing you do in the morning, and the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night.
3. When you feel uncomfortable in a new place, you take out your smartphone.
4. You feel anxious when you don’t have your smartphone in your hand or right beside you.
5. You need to fully charge your smartphone more than once per day.
6. Your wrists hurt or you have trouble focusing your eyes.
7. You sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone.
8. You regularly look at your phone even when you are hanging out with your friends.
9. You talk to people without even looking up from your phone.
10. Your loved ones complain that you seem to like your smartphone more than them.
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